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blog post in Festival Reports Cinemalaya: Unearthing fresh talent and on the cusp of a milestone   <p>Cinemalaya is unlike any other festival, at least its feature competition section is. Usually, in film festivals, international or otherwise, entries are called for and programmers choose a certain</p>
blog post in Festival Reports Dreaming of the World at the 2nd Colombo Int’l Film Festival 2015 By all accounts, the 2nd Colombo International Film Festival (Nov 6-12 2015) was another banner year. As in its debut festival, long queues again hugged the entrances of cinema buildings and often sna


Supriya Suri's Interview with Muhiddin Muzaffar

Director Muhiddin Muzaffar (1) 2 Min

1. I entered the cinema through the theatre. I was an actor in our local theatre called Kanibadam, named after Tuhfa Fozilova. After working for five years, I decided to do a theatre director course. I graduated with honors and became a director. We successfully staged performances at international festivals.


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